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绿叶特制乌鸡白凤胶囊30s – Nature’s Green Black-Bone Chicken & White-Phoenix Capsules 30s


绿叶特制乌鸡白凤胶囊30s – Nature’s Green Black-Bone Chicken & White-Phoenix Capsules 30s


For regulating menstruation and arresting leukorrhea. Use for emaciation and general feebleness, aching, weakness and limpness of loins and knees, irregular menstruation with abnormal bleeding and leukorrhea, fatigue, lassitude, and weakness after delivery. 补气养血,调经止带。用于气血两虚,身体瘦弱,腰膝酸软,神疲乏力,月经不调,行经腹痛,白带,产后虚弱。

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  • Description
    For regulating menstruation and arresting leukorrhea. Use for emaciation and general feebleness, aching, weakness and limpness of loins and knees, irregular menstruation with abnormal bleeding and leukorrhea, fatigue, lassitude, and weakness after delivery. 补气养血,调经止带。用于气血两虚,身体瘦弱,腰膝酸软,神疲乏力,月经不调,行经腹痛,白带,产后虚弱。
For regulating menstruation and arresting leukorrhea. Use for emaciation and general feebleness, aching, weakness and limpness of loins and knees, irregular menstruation with abnormal bleeding and leukorrhea, fatigue, lassitude, and weakness after delivery. 补气养血,调经止带。用于气血两虚,身体瘦弱,腰膝酸软,神疲乏力,月经不调,行经腹痛,白带,产后虚弱。

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